AnitaLB / Pixabay

Working Group on Hazard Mapping

The Working Group on Hazard Mapping is led by Eliza Calder and Jan Lindsay. The main aims of the group are to:

  • Construct a framework for a classification scheme for hazard maps and promote harmonization of terminology
  • Identify and categorise a suite of good practices and considerations for volcanic hazard mapping and present these in an IAVCEI-endorsed source book
  • Develop a database of volcanic hazard maps

The initiative was launched during a workshop on hazard mapping at the COV8 Conference in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, in September 2014. The main activites facilitated and supported by the by working group are:

  1. State of the Hazard Map 1: COV8 workshop on hazard mapping, Jogjakarta, Indonesia (September 2014)
  2. Workshop on Volcanic Hazard Assessments: Garut, Indonesia (September 2016)
  3. State of the Hazard Map 2: COV9 workshop on hazard mapping, Puerto Varas, Chile (November 2016)
  4. State of the Hazard Map 3: IAVCEI GA workshop on hazard mapping, Portland, USA (August 2017)
  5. Workshop on Volcanic Hazard Assessments: Arequipa, Peru (April 2018)
  6. Launch of a new “hazard map” article type for the Journal of Applied volcanology (in 2018)
  7. State of the Hazard Map 4: COV11 workshop on hazard mapping (to be held in Greece May 2020)

The draft of the Sourcebook for the development of Volcanic Hazard Maps: Guidelines and Considerations is well underway. The next steps are:

  1. Writing group completes drafts of all sections (by December 2019)
  2. Wider hazard mapping working group contacted and invited to review (early 2020)
  3. Final draft Sourcebook presented and refined at the State of the Hazard Map 4 workshop in Greece in May 2020
  4. Draft circulated to master reviewers (mid 2020)
  5. Publish open access Sourcebook with Springer (late 2020)

If you are interested in being involved in the hazard mapping working group or being on the mailing list of our activities email Eliza at: or Jan at